God Has Called Us
To Lead People
To Life in Christ,
To Live by His Word,
and To Love the Lost.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen - Matthew 28:19-20
Planning a Visit?
Service Times | 9:00 & 11:15 AM Online | 11:15 AM
Address | 8780B Rivers Ave Suite 200, North Charleston SC 29445
Kids & Youth (6th - 12th) are available at all services.

Our Story
In 2002 Richard and Kelly were visiting family in Charleston, when the Lord began to place a burden on Richard’s heart. Over the next 5 years God would continue to work in their hearts until they couldn’t deny His call. In 2007 they, along with four other families, took the plunge to move to Charleston. Their vision was to plant a church that was centered on teaching the Bible in a line by line, verse by verse fashion, to do their part to turn the tide of biblical illiteracy, to allow people the freedom to follow God’s call on their lives, and to cultivate a community of Calvary Chapel churches in the Charleston area.
The first service took place in 2007 as a small Bible study with about 30 people at the Goose Creek Primary School. Since then we have see the Lord continue to grow our church, and have been honored to be a part of planting other Calvary’s in the area.
We know God has called us to Charleston, and our story has just begun to be written.
Meet Our Team
Learn more about our staff and elders.

Our Beliefs

Want to know More?
Growth track is a three-week small group designed to help you engage in the discipleship process here at Calvary. Each week will guide you in connecting to the local church, growing in your walk with Christ, learning about how God has gifted you, and taking steps of faith in using your gifts for God’s glory.